A whole book – read for you, chapter after chapter!
Monika Winkelmann is reading the Book “What is Zen – Plain Talk by a Beginner‘s Mind“, written by Norman Fischer and Susan Moon, chapter by chapter, each one in YouTube Format. The project was planned as an interactive study-project, but at least the first readings were just life-streamed and some listened to it.
Relax and close your eyes. Or cut the vegetables or whatever mechanical work can be well combined with some intense listening: Enjoy the smart questions, asked by Susan Moon and Norman Fischer’s clear and yet down-to-earth-answers, you were perhaps waiting for or you need some deepening of your understanding.
Susan Moon Sensei is book-author, leading writing workshops, writer and was an editor.
Norman Fischer Roshi is the former Abbot of San Francisco Zen Center, founder of everdayzen foundation (www.everydayzen.org), co-founder of Makor-Or, a Jewish Meditation Center. He is poet and book-author.
Monika Winkelmann is lay-ordained (Jukai) in the Zen Peacemaker Order and in Rinzai-Lineage. Studying with everydayzen Sangha. Meditation-teacher, poetry-therapist.
Book-Readings: Saturdays, 4-5pm MET (s. Termine)
0 Preface by Norman Fischer, Introduction by Susan Moon
1. What‘s the point
2. Zazen
3. Form and Ritual
4. Awakening
5. History
6. Beliefs and Ethics
27.02.2021, Part 1 (p.59-67)
06.03.2021, Part 2 (p. 68ff.)
7. Teachings
06.04.2021, (p. 77ff., re-recording)
8. Teachers
27.03.2021, Part 1 (p. 89-100)
03.04.2021, Part 2, (p. 100ff.)
9. Stages of Practice
17.04.2021, Part 1
24.04.2021, Part 2
10. Over the Long Haul
11. Sangha
12. Everday Life and Everyday Relationships
24.05.2021, Part I
30.05.2021, Part II (p. 160-168)
13. Zen and Art
14. Saving all Sentient Beings